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The Historical Buddha: The Times, Life and Teachings of the Founder of Buddhism - de Hans Wolfgang Schumann (Author)

Details The Historical Buddha: The Times, Life and Teachings of the Founder of Buddhism

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Le Titre Du LivreThe Historical Buddha: The Times, Life and Teachings of the Founder of Buddhism
Publié Le2003-03-14
TraducteurAsriel Subhaan
Nombre de Pages115 Pages
La taille du fichier70.98 MB
Langue du LivreAnglais et Français
ÉditeurTitus Books
Type de DocumentAMZ PDF EPub DOCM XPS
AuteurHans Wolfgang Schumann
Nom de FichierThe-Historical-Buddha-The-Times-Life-and-Teachings-of-the-Founder-of-Buddhism.pdf

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Noté 005 Retrouvez The Historical Buddha The Times Life and Teachings of the Founder of Buddhism Arkana by H W Schumann 19900501 et des millions de livres en stock sur Achetez neuf ou doccasion

Meilleure réponse Siddhārtha Gautama Sanskrit Pali Siddhattha Gotama was a spiritual teacher from Ancient India and the founder of Buddhism1 He is generally recognized by Buddhists as the Supreme Buddha Sammāsambuddha of our age The time of his birth and death are uncertain most early 20thcentury

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could u tell me 4 importent people of buddhism and what they did Thx

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