Télécharger Words I Never Thought to Speak: Stories of Life in the Wake of Suicide Livre PDF Gratuit


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Words I Never Thought to Speak: Stories of Life in the Wake of Suicide - de Victoria G. Alexander (Author)

Details Words I Never Thought to Speak: Stories of Life in the Wake of Suicide

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Le Titre Du LivreWords I Never Thought to Speak: Stories of Life in the Wake of Suicide
Date de Parution1991-09-30
TraducteurTaleb Rish
Nombre de Pages734 Pages
Taille du fichier22.02 MB
LangueAnglais et Français
ÉditeurMason J. Press
Format de e-BookEPub PDF AMZ DJVU ODT
AuteurVictoria G. Alexander
Nom de FichierWords-I-Never-Thought-to-Speak-Stories-of-Life-in-the-Wake-of-Suicide.pdf

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Theres something wrong I cant feel a pulseI wake up every night every night Hoping youd be there the rest of my life And now she feels it when she closes her eyes Were lost and forgotten where is the substance While youre off getting fucked by your friendsIm making dreams my realities

Ive met those who cling to their teachers and lineages and ancient scriptures for dear life and Ive met those who have never met a guru except the ones that appear in their daily lives For many suffering has been their greatest guru The death of a beloved parent or friend can teach us so much about letting go more than words about the absence of the self ever could Ive met those who

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