Télécharger Higher order derivatives, Lagrangians, Hamiltonians and non-canonical symplectic structures Livre PDF Gratuit


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Higher order derivatives, Lagrangians, Hamiltonians and non-canonical symplectic structures - de Vladimir Cuesta Sánchez (Author)

Details Higher order derivatives, Lagrangians, Hamiltonians and non-canonical symplectic structures

Le paragraphe suivant répertorie des caractéristiques communes relatives aux Higher order derivatives, Lagrangians, Hamiltonians and non-canonical symplectic structures

Le Titre Du FichierHigher order derivatives, Lagrangians, Hamiltonians and non-canonical symplectic structures
Date de Lancement2016-12-05
TraducteurZlata Hiro
Nombre de Pages844 Pages
La taille du fichier54.13 MB
Langue du LivreAnglais et Français
Format de eBookPDF AMZ ePub FTX TR3
ÉcrivainVladimir Cuesta Sánchez
Nom de FichierHigher-order-derivatives-Lagrangians-Hamiltonians-and-non-canonical-symplectic-structures.pdf

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Achetez et téléchargez ebook Higher order derivatives Lagrangians Hamiltonians and noncanonical symplectic structures English Edition Boutique Kindle Research

PDF In the present book the equations of motion are obtained for Lagrangians with higher order derivatives we used some variables and we wrote a Hamiltonian with a canonical symplectic structure Télécharger Higher order derivatives Lagrangians Hamiltonians Symplectic structures and observables English Edition eBook Vladimir Cuesta Snchez it Kindle Store Passa al contenuto principale

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